Football and Horseracing

Biggest Leagues, teams 
and horse races

Here you will find an overview of the biggest leagues, teams and horseraces. We have gathered them all on one site for you to easily find the information you need. Find information about the biggest leagues, teams and UK racecourse


Here you find an overview of the biggest leagues and teams. We have gathered them all on one page for you to easily find the information you need. Find information about the biggest leagues and teams from across the world right here.

Click on a specific league to find learn facts about the league

Click on a specific league or team on the teams history, biggest wins, nickname and much more.

Horse racing

The UK is home to many of the biggest horse races taking place in the world. Through the entire year you can attend horse racing across the UK on various racecourses.

We have gathered the UK racecourse hosting the biggest events in the UK on one page, making it easy for you to get an overview.

Premier League match: Rich Liverpool victory is expected in London

Premier League match: Rich Liverpool victory is expected in London

Premier league match: Rich Liverpool victory is expected in London A good Monday match awaits in the Premier League when West Ham receives the Liverpool team at London Stadium. Author Matthew ClarkThere are two teams that have been involved in some entertaining games...

Face the Race: Day Three Previews

Face the Race: Day Three Previews

Face the Race: Day Three PreviewsAs we continue our journey through the great Cheltenham Festival in 2018, there are seven great races lined up for us all to enjoy. To get a better understanding of these races, we have analysed them in short, hopefully to everyone’s...

Top 10: Most goals in the Premier League in a season

Top 10: Most goals in the Premier League in a season

Top 10:Most goals in the Premier League in a seasonMohamed Salah has been re-scoring the goal and he is clearly the best bid for a top scorer in the Premier League. But how many goals will he score to beat the Premier League record for most goals in a season?Author...